Image of Farmstands


by Stephen Schaub


"Like anything, farmstands have their own language, their own accepted standards, their own way of doing things. They represent a unique blend of vibrant display and small-time commerce. But the variations on the theme are times it seems that the smaller the stand, the more its own distinctive personality emerges."

Farmstands by Stephen Schaub is a collection of twenty-eight photographs of roadside vegetable mongers, corn sellers, and pick-your-own places. Shot on Long Island, New York and in Southern Vermont, the pictures in the book are a study in roadside, direct-to-the people, agricultural commerce that can be seen as a nostalgic throwback or a testament to how today's farmers connect with their neighbors and passers-by.

"I was obsessed with the different things about farmstands, especially the cover one where they're selling oysters," said Schaub. "It's not something you see at a farm stand in Vermont. And yet the similarities between the farmstands is what I thought was so interesting."

Farmstands is part of "One Week One Book", a series of photographic art books that explore a single theme. Anthropologic, quirky and sometimes voyeuristic, the books look at wide-ranging subjects, from portraits of the backs of people's heads, to still-lives depicting the contents of their refrigerators. The title of the series, "One Week One Book", is both a statement of artist intention and call to action for the reader. Schaub challenged himself to make a photographic essay on a single subject, and turn it into a book, every week for twelve weeks. READ ABOUT THE SERIES

Farmstands is available as a single book or in a set of twelve titles.

DETAILS: 68 pages | 8"x9" | perfect-bound | 2020 | ISBN 978-1-927587-42-3 | Published by Kasini House